Cubism Questions

Just by looking at the photo, it almost seems as if he made the photo using a rather lengthy process of layering, placing the same image repeatedly over the last, but with different angles and such. He also probably removed differing sections of each photo layer until only certain sections of each layer could be seen through the finished product, thus depicting the cubic visual we see above.

It is very difficult to determine the number of photos used to make the final composition because the artist did so well at blending each section, making it difficult to tell where one piece ends and another begins.

It seems as though all the pictures were taken at the same time of day, but I would also believe it if I were told they weren't, as some of the lighting is slightly different in different sections.

As far as I can tell there are no or at least very few and minute photoshopped aspects of the picture. it appears to be all natural.


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